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CSS Challenge
On March 6 (2005), Al Sparber from ProjectSeven posted a " CSS challenge" on different lists and newsgroups. This challenge was about duplicating a specific page without using a table.
Other requirements follow:
- Valid XHTML 1 Strict
- Valid CSS 2
- Section 508 compliant
- WAI Level AAA
- Three columns, fluid center column [increase or decrease width by 100px]
- Column backgrounds extend to height of tallest column [make the Left | Middle | Right column the tallest]
- Identical Masthead
- Source code ordering same as this page [Linearize]
- Have a minimum layout width of 750 pixels and stand up to window resizing without breaking [Try a different width: 600px | 1000px]
- CSS embedded in document head [view source]
- In the sidebar is the list of browsers that must be supported (this is a list of browsers in which this layout has been successfully tested)
Read about the technique used here...
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